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Location Addresses

Referrals can only be made through the placing districts.  To learn more about the referral process, please contact the Special Education Director at your student's school district.  If you need help determining who to contact, you can call the individual LEAP Programs listed below in order to gain that information.

Quarterly Dates for 2024-2025 School Year

First Quarter: August 15 - October 17

Second Quarter: October 18 - January 8

Third Quarter: January 9 - March 14

Fourth Quarter: March 14 - May 28

LEAP Program

Hours of Operation:

Monday - Friday

07:30 AM - 03:30 PM


School Hours:

Monday - Friday

08:00 AM - 02:00 PM

Phone Numbers

Central: (234) 678-5488
Green: (330) 899-9423
Kent: (330) 676-8674
Rittman: (330) 485-1131
Garfield Heights: (216) 510-4813
Toledo: (419) 868-4950
Crestview: (419) 895-1700 x 18113
SOAR: (330) 761-7971
Wooster: (330) 439-0702
Mansfield:  (567) 560-5051
Wauseon: (419)404-9006

Fax Numbers

Central: (234) 678-5489
Green: (330) 899-9429
Kent: (330) 676-8673
Rittman: (330) 485-1133
Garfield Heights: (216) 510-5207
Toledo: (419) 868-4956
Crestview: (419) 895-1733
SOAR: (330) 761-1344
Mansfield: (567) 560-5038

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