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Student Testimonial

Dear LEAP Staff,

I would like to thank each and every one of you for being there for me. During the days that I struggled, there was always someone right there to either give me a pep talk or smack me in the back of the head if need be. Each teacher has gotten to know me as a person, and after three years, they still don't know what to do with me. Mr. Thom now has seen me at [my] worst moments and has done his best to help me have a successful day. He's seen me steadily become a leader in the classroom. Took a while, but it's better late than never... right? Anyways, those I'm going to miss are Mr. Thom and Mr. H.

I'm going to miss working in the snackshop because that was time I got to see every teacher, I took the time to joke around with them. Whether it'd be Mr. Jeff and his height, Mr. H. and his shiny head, Ms. Prince and her love for chocolate pretzels, or Ms. Jackson and her cheerful spirit... I'm going to miss it all. Thank you for being there for me. Thank you for not giving up on me. Thank you for helping me become a better person.

Quarterly Dates for 2024-2025 School Year

First Quarter: August 15 - October 17

Second Quarter: October 18 - January 8

Third Quarter: January 9 - March 14

Fourth Quarter: March 14 - May 28

LEAP Program

Hours of Operation:

Monday - Friday

07:30 AM - 03:30 PM


School Hours:

Monday - Friday

08:00 AM - 02:00 PM

Phone Numbers

Central: (234) 678-5488
Green: (330) 899-9423
Kent: (330) 676-8674
Rittman: (330) 485-1131
Garfield Heights: (216) 510-4813
Toledo: (419) 868-4950
Crestview: (419) 895-1700 x 18113
SOAR: (330) 761-7971
Wooster: (330) 439-0702
Mansfield:  (567) 560-5051
Wauseon: (419)404-9006

Fax Numbers

Central: (234) 678-5489
Green: (330) 899-9429
Kent: (330) 676-8673
Rittman: (330) 485-1133
Garfield Heights: (216) 510-5207
Toledo: (419) 868-4956
Crestview: (419) 895-1733
SOAR: (330) 761-1344
Mansfield: (567) 560-5038

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